ELPA has set aside monies in a Contingency Fund for the remediation of an event in which an invasive species of an aquatic nuisance, plant or animal, were to occur within the waters or shoreline of Echo Lake.

The following Guideline spells out this fund’s purpose, scope, responsibility, establishment, maintenance, use, and disposal.

Contingency Fund Guideline Approved: May 16, 2024

1.0 Purpose:

The purpose of the contingency fund is to set aside monies for the remediation of an event
in which an invasive species of an aquatic nuisance, plant or animal, were to occur within the waters
or shoreline of Echo Lake.

2.0 Scope:

The monies contained within the contingency fund are for use in combatting the spread of
an invasive species found within the confines of Echo Lake.

3.0 Responsibility:

It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Echo Lake Protective
The association (ELPA) will oversee the contingency fund. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer of ELPA
to manage the fund on an annual basis.

4.0 Establishment:

4.1 The fund will be established by the Treasurer recommending an amount of funds to be taken
from the ELPA savings account and placed into a special account that can maximize return
while protecting principle and providing accessibility.
4.2 The Board of Directors will approve the recommended amount and investment vehicle.
4.3 The Treasurer will open the specified account.
4.4 The BOD will establish a target goal amount for the fund.

5.0 Maintenance:

5.1 On an annual basis, the Treasurer will suggest an amount of funds to be transferred from the
savings account to the contingency fund.
5.2 The BOD will approve the suggested amount or modify it as appropriate.
5.3 Each year, the fund will be reviewed to determine if any changes need to be made, such as a
change in investment strategy.
5.4 Although not encouraged, members and friends will be allowed to make directed donations to
ELPA for addition to the contingency fund. The Treasurer will honor the donors’ wishes unless
such action jeopardizes the regular funds used for routine association expenses. In such a case,
the treasurer or other officer will request that the donor’s donation be applied to the
savings account for routine expenses.
5.5 The Treasurer will add all directed donations to the contingency fund according to the terms
of the investment vehicle in which it is invested, which may impact the timing of adding
monies to the fund.
5.6 The Treasurer will report on the status of the contingency fund at the annual meeting of the ELPA
membership and at regular Board meetings.

6.0 Use:

6.1 In the event of an invasion of an aquatic nuisance or other threat to the water quality of Echo
Lake, the BOD will determine a course of action and how the action will be funded.

6.2 If the expenses associated with the determined course of action require funds beyond the
regular savings/checking accounts, the BOD will decide to utilize the monies within the
contingency fund as necessary.

6.3 While the intended purpose of the contingency fund is for the remediation of an invasive species,
the BOD will have the authority to elect to use monies from the fund for an action determined
by the BOD to be necessary to protect the water quality of Echo Lake.

6.4 The Treasurer will access the required funds and transfer to the checking account to pay for
the incurred expenses.

6.5 Upon approval of the BOD, monies within the contingency fund may be used for preventative
expenses, such as the Greeter Access Program, if insufficient funds exist in the savings and
checking accounts for these approved purposes. Interest earned from contingency fund accounts should remain in the fund absent a board vote.

7.0 Disposal:

7.1 Upon the decision of the BOD and/or the ELPA members, the contingency fund may be

7.2 Any monies remaining in the fund will be transferred to the savings account.

7.3 Further action on the disbursement of ELPA funds will be in accordance with the association’s Bylaws.