A public hearing for Echo Lake’s petition to prohibit wake boats and wake sport activities has been scheduled for December 10th, starting at 4:00 p.m.Read More
Author: Kristen Wilson
Vermont Conservation License Plates A reminder that half of the proceeds derived from the sale of Vermont Conservation License Plates goes towards funding the VermontRead More
Join us for a public presentation of the final report for Echo – Seymour LWAP. We summarize our findings and discuss the next steps forRead More
By Greg Carpenter Oddities are a part of human life, and the town of Charleston is not immune to them. Take the only lake foundRead More
By Greg Carpenter If you live near a body of water, you will undoubtedly hear a few fish stories. And like any body of water,Read More
by Greg Carpenter Have you ever wondered how Echo Lake got its name? Or Echo Pond, as it was officially called prior to 1982. It’sRead More
By Greg Carpenter This summer, I decided to stop by a yard sale taking place around the lake. As I scanned the items for sale,Read More
The ELPA merchandising team has added new items to our selection of Echo Lake apparel. The proceeds of each sale go into the Contingency FundRead More
Online, onsite training. June 12th, June 18th, July 11th, July 27th, Aug 3rd. The Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIP) Program is focused on aquatic invasive plantRead More
Screen printed with ECHO LAKE Charleston, VTThe Adult and Child’s sweatshirts come ONLY screen printed “Echo Lake, Charleston, VT” Unisex*Sizes run very large. *Read More
Echo Lake Protective Association’s AIS (Plant) Rapid Response Plan One of the principal missions of the Echo Lake Protective Association (ELPA) is to preserve andRead More
Visit https://vermontlakes.org/eurasian-watermilfoil/
A new way to help keep loons healthy! Volunteer Access Greeter Keith Gee is showing off Echo Lake’s new collection tube for disposing of leadRead More
July 2023 I am writing to update you on the status of the Echo Lake reclassification petition and on our broader initiative to advance theRead More
The Department of Environmental Conservation has announced its proposed rules for wake boats on Vermont Lakes. The regulations will require the operation of wake boatsRead More
ECHO LAKE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Special Meeting – September 3, 2022 President: Steve GrattonVice President: Karl KoenigsbauerTreasurer: Ann HunsickerSecretary: Lori Kempton Board Members: Read More
50$? 100$? $200? The protection of Echo Lake from the incidental contamination with aquatic invasive species is a continuous effort that incurs expenses. Would youRead More
$25 to be a Friend of Echo Lake “Friends” of Echo Lake will be included on our mailing list but will not have a votingRead More
$25 Dues for Individual Membership $50 Dues for Family MembershipOur goal is to have 100% of property owners on Echo Lake be members of ELPARead More
The raw data from the tributary testing done over the summer was sent to ELPA at the end of September. Echo Lake was tested forRead More
ELPA and The LaRosa Partnership Program It’s called The LaRosa Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Analytical Services Partnership, or more commonly known as the LaRosa PartnershipRead More
Echo Lake is proud to be the first recipient of the Vermont Gold Lake Wise Award. Lake Wise is an education and outreach program fundedRead More
On July 1, 2014, the Vermont Shoreland Protection Act was enacted to protect water quality, preserve habitat and natural shoreline stability, and protect the economicRead More
Since 1979 the Vermont Lay Monitoring Program has trained and equipped dedicated volunteers to conduct periodic lake water quality sampling from their boats using quality-assuredRead More
Lakebed Survey Coordinator: Peggy Stevens Volunteers: Peter Bestenbostel, Holly Bull, Susan Czerepak, Steve and Ann Gratton, Hugh Hawkins, Ann Hunsicker, Lori Kempton, Mary Kenison, PeggyRead More
This program is funded in part by a Watershed Management Grant The purpose of the Vermont Boat Access Greeter Program is to prevent the spreadRead More
For a tiny state, Vermont has a lot of lakes and ponds, over 800 total. In the 1950s and 60s, many seasonal cottages were constructedRead More
NOT O.K. DOWN THE DRAIN! ITEM: FOOD SCRAPS -INCLUDING COFFEE GROUNDS (They don’t dissolve causing more septic pump outs) ITEM: OILS, FATS, AND GREASE (TheyRead More
Also known as male impotence, erectile dysfunction is a condition when a man does not reach an erection cialis 20 mg to satisfy his femaleRead More
The Echo Lake Protection Association (ELPA) supports an ecology based program within Charleston Elementary School. This program is designed to provide Charleston students with toolsRead More
Reclassification Update Summer 2021 So Where Are We Now? (October 28, 2021) Echo Lake Reclassification Petition July 12 2022 Currently, all Vermont lakes located outsideRead More
The Blueberry Project encourages the planting of blueberry bushes along our shores to help create healthy shallow water ecosystems. This year the Echo Lake ProtectiveRead More
The Echo Lake Protective Association is dedicated to the well-being of Echo Lake and its surroundings. Toward that end, here are some of the thingsRead More
Officers, Board of Directors, and Projects Contact us: EchoLakepa@gmail.com Officers President Karl Koenigsbauer 2nd term will end 2026Vice President Nick Dibble 1st term will endRead More
A guide to healthy lakes using lakeshore landscaping design templates and easy-to-use planting plans. https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wsm/lakes/Lakewise/docs/lp_VTlakescape.pdf
Vermont Lake Protection Series #3BVT Agency of Natural Resources
The Vermont Shoreland Protection ActA Handbook for Shoreland DevelopmentVersion 1.2, April 2015 https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wsm/lakes/docs/Shoreland/lp_ShorelandHandbook.pdf
Fish Low in Mercury http://www.echolakeassociation.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/poster_cb_lowres.pdf
Benefitting the Vermont Center for ECOSTUDIES INC
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) Clean Water Initiative Program’s (CWIP) administers the Ecosystem Restoration Grant Program (ERP). https://marcvt.org/ecosystem-restoration-program/
Each Lake is Unique!
The Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP) is a group of local lake and pond associations, individuals, and others interested in promoting and maintainingRead More
About the Echo Lake Protective Association The Echo Lake Protective Association of Charleston, Vermont was incorporated on October 3, 1970. Its purpose is toRead More
Echo Lake (East Charleston, Vermont) Echo Lake is located in the town of Charleston in Orleans County, Vermont, an area known as the Northeast Kingdom.Read More
ELPA has set aside monies in a Contingency Fund for the remediation of an event in which an invasive species of an aquatic nuisance, plant orRead More
BY-LAWS ECHO LAKE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION As of July 23, 2016 ARTICLE I – NAME PURPOSE Section 1. The name of this organization shall be TheRead More